Welcome to the newest edition of The BridgeWay Bulletin! Upcoming Closures February 15: All BridgeWay programs are closed with the exception of Turtle Creek, Heart Lake and Streetsville February 17: All BridgeWay programs are closed February 22: Gore Meadows, Heart...
COVID, Cold & Flu Clinics and Information About COVID-19 Vaccines
With cold and flu season upon us, emergency room visits are increasing, and as a result, wait times are much longer than usual. Care-Clinics.ca is a new appointment booking platform for COVID, Cold and Flu Care Clinics.
If you are experiencing COVID symptoms and need to see a health care professional to assess your symptoms you can book an appointment at any COVID, Cold and Flu Care Clinic using this new appointment-booking site. This site will allow you to book appointments for assessment, swabs and vaccination at any of the COVID, Cold and Flu Care Clinics across our region.
You should go to a COVID, Cold and Flu Care Clinic if you:
- Are experiencing moderate cold, flu or COVID-like symptoms AND have been directed by your family health care professional
- Cannot access or do not have a physician or a nurse practitioner and are unwell
- Require a physician or a nurse practitioner to assess your symptoms and recommend next steps
Our physician or nurse practitioner will provide you with a thorough assessment of your symptoms and risks and help determine what actions should be taken to help you recover from your symptoms.
If you require a COVID vaccination and/or boosters, you can book them on the site as well.
Please visit Care-Clinics.ca to book an appointment with a clinic near you.
Please book online or call ahead.
If you need immediate medical care, always call 911 or visit your nearest emergency department.
If you’re unsure if you need to take your child to the emergency room, you can:
- Call your primary care provider
- Call Health Connect Ontario (formerly TeleHealth) at 811 or chat online with a nurse 24/7: Health Connect Ontario | Health Connect Ontario (gov.on.ca)
- Use the online symptom checker at Sick Kids: Virtual Urgent Care | SickKids
Information About COVID-19 Vaccines for children 6 Months to Under 5 Years
Health Canada has authorized Moderna Spikevax and Pfizer-Biontech Comirnaty COVID-19 vaccines for children 6 months to under 5 years.
About COVID-19
- Most children who get COVID-19 have mild symptoms. However, some children may have severe symptoms and require hospitalization.
- Vaccination is one of the most effective ways to protect our families, communities and ourselves against COVID-19.
- Evidence shows that vaccines help to reduce severe illness, hospitalization and death from COVID-19.
- Talk to your healthcare provider about how long children should wait to get their COVID-19 vaccine after having COVID-19 symptoms or testing positive for COVID-19.
Where to get the COVID-19 vaccine
- For ages 6 months to under 2 years old, available at select pharmacies and primary care offices in Peel.
- For ages 2 to under 5, available at select pharmacies, primary care offices and select Peel Public Health clinics.
- Check peelregion.ca/covid19vaccine to find a location.
Parents and caregivers with questions are encouraged to speak with their health care provider or call the Provincial Vaccine Contact Centre at 1-833-943-3900 to speak to a health specialist or contact 1-888-304-6558 or [email protected] to book a confidential phone appointment with a SickKids Registered Nurse.
For more information or to book an appointment, check peelregion.ca/covid19vaccine
Practicing Protective Measures
It’s extremely important to continue practicing other protective measures such as:
- wearing a mask in indoor public settings,
- hand washing,
- avoiding touching your face,
- staying home when ill
Remember to mask for 10 days after being symptomatic or after close contact with a person with COVID-19 or COVID-19 symptoms.
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