Welcome to the newest edition of The BridgeWay Bulletin! Upcoming Closures February 15: All BridgeWay programs are closed with the exception of Turtle Creek, Heart Lake and Streetsville February 17: All BridgeWay programs are closed February 22: Gore Meadows, Heart...
Play Ideas
4 Ways to Play with Snow Indoors
Winter is full of sensory play experiences we don’t see in the summer. Snow and ice offer endless opportunities to play and learn. You can make the most of the snow activities that winter has to offer—even when it’s too cold to go outside. How? By bringing the snow inside. Here are 4 fun ways to play with snow indoors!
Cars and Trucks
Grab your favourite toys on wheels along with some snow for a cold construction site.
Combining something familiar (like a toy truck) and adding it to something new or less familiar (such as snow) helps children to explore beyond their comfort zone and become confident using new and different materials.
Kitchen Utensils
Put some snow in a bin or bowls and add utensils like spoons and small containers. Children love playing with the everyday objects they see grown-ups using and scooping the snow will help them develop their small muscle skills.
Snow Painting
Try painting the snow! In a bin or large bowl, add snow, paintbrushes and paint or food colouring. Children can experiment by mixing the colours together and watch as the snow starts to melt away.
Food Colouring
Add food colouring and bowls or toy ice cream cones to your snow sensory bin. Make cold “ice cream cones” and watch as the colours mix together; can you name them all? This is a great way to play pretend, creating opportunities for dialogue and expanding vocabulary.
Recent News
The BridgeWay Bulletin – January 26-February 8
Welcome to The BridgeWay Bulletin! On this page: Program Spotlight Bring BridgeWay Home Community Corner Program Spotlight Celebrating Family With Pride! Celebrating Family with Pride is a FREE event for families with children from birth to 6 years (including...
We’re Hiring! Human Resource Specialist
About BridgeWay Family Centre BridgeWay Family Centre provides free prenatal services, early learning and family support programs to pregnant women and families/caregivers with children birth - 6 years of age. We are the largest provider of EarlyON programs in the...
The BridgeWay Bulletin – January 12-25
Welcome to the newest edition of The BridgeWay Bulletin! On this page: Program Spotlight Bring BridgeWay Home Community Corner Program Spotlight GRAND-Parenting Workshops Your GRAND-Parenting role and involvement is as unique as your family. Discover strategies to...
The BridgeWay Bulletin – December 15-January 12
Welcome to The BridgeWay Bulletin! Upcoming Closures December 24 to 28: All locations closed December 31: All locations close by 1:00 PM January 1 and 2: All locations closed Click here to view your location's program schedule. Search by name or enter your postal code...
Play Ideas
17 Heartwarming Children’s Books by Indigenous Authors & Illustrators
BridgeWay staff have read and reflected on some children's books by Indigenous authors and/or illustrators. Below is a list of books and what stood out to each staff member as they read through the story on their own or with children and families. We hope you enjoy...
LGBTQ2S+ Books for Children Birth to 6 Years
We’ve put together a list of books celebrating LGBTQ2S+ children and families! These books are perfect for children with queer parents/caregivers to see families like theirs, for children to see themselves and their peers, and for everyone to learn about and celebrate...
7 Children’s Books Celebrating Asian Authors, Stories and Cultures
Picture books are a great way for children to learn about cultures as well as celebrate themselves and their family. These 7 books are written by authors of Asian descent with themes we can all relate to – feeling loved and connected, showing love and of course loving...
Trash to Treasure: 6 Recycled Materials to Add to Your Child’s Play
Learning through play can happen with the simplest materials. Before you recycle your plastic bottles and cardboard boxes, try adding them to your child's play! Objects like these are open-ended, which means there's no limit to what they can become when your child...
Creative Ways to Build Ramps
Ramps are a fun and interactive tool for children to explore math and science concepts. When they roll a toy down a ramp, they're learning to make predictions and problem solve while also learning about concepts like motion, speed, and cause and effect. There are fun...