Play Ideas

7 At-Home Activities to Cure Boredom

October 11, 2022
Preschool kids play with building bricks in while sitting on floor in daycare

With so much time spent indoors, away from your child’s usual group activities and friends, you’re probably hearing “I’m bored” a lot more often—and truthfully, we could all use an extra dose of fun right now. Next time boredom strikes, try out these activities the whole family can enjoy together!

1. I Spy

I spy with my little eye, something that is red! Practice colours, shapes, and vocabulary by laying out objects and asking your child to find the object you’re describing. Then, switch things up by asking them to describe the object to you.

2. Teddy Bear Picnic

Let’s go on a picnic!

Play dress-up together by dressing up your child’s toys in their very own clothes. Set up a little picnic space for pretend play, or use this as opportunity to enjoy a special snack or meal in a new way.

3. Cup Catch

Play catch using cups, bowls, or a strainer. Throw a ball back and forth but instead of catching it in your hands, try to catch it in the object you’re holding! Use a ribbon to attach a ball to the object (as shown above) and attempt to get the ball into the object without using your other hand.

4. Body Part Dance

A fun way to learn body parts is to isolate them with dance!

Play some music and ask your child which part of their body is going to dance. Help them by modelling what it looks like when only one body part is dancing and the rest of the body is motionless. What will it look like when only your nose is dancing? Your arms, or your eyes? What body part will dance next?

5. Sock Puppet Show

Put on a puppet show together using socks! Use your imagination to decide the voices and appearance of your sock puppet. Is your sock a spotted dog or maybe a purple tiger? See where your imagination takes you!

6. Guess How Many

Can you guess how many are inside?

Fill a clear container with small objects and ask your child to guess how many are inside. Use larger objects, such as toy cars or spoons, to start and then make the game more challenging by using smaller objects, such as marbles. Next you can pour out the objects and count them together!

7. Obstacle Course

Create an obstacle course using all sorts of furniture! Crawling under tables, jumping onto or over pillows, and balancing on a footstool are all ways to burn energy while developing gross motor skills.

For babies and toddlers, set up the obstacles and allow them to explore.

Preschoolers may be ready for a bigger challenge, such as completing the course in a specific order or racing against you!

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